Theatre & Kids is a theatre program in Lansdale, PA
Logo Copyright 2013. Theatre & Kids. All rights reserved.
A Tribute...
to Ms. Evelyn "Evie" Cook
Evie was with Theatre & Kids for 18 years - she started as a 6th grader, taking the Best All Around Camper Award - still the youngest to ever do so. She returned to us as a staffer years later and then would just NOT leave. And how we loved her! A wonderful singer and actress, a dynamic dancer and choreographer, a great teacher and leader, and a passionate Apprentice Director, Evie could do it all. And she did. A fashionista, a popular culture guru, an advocate for human rights, a beautiful, creative friend.
Evie left for California just four years ago to pursue a career as a nutritionist and personal trainer, arrived just as Covid hit, and then developed health issues which grew increasingly worse. Late last Spring Evie left this life and
T & K mourned the passing of our dear friend along with her brother Doug and her mother Ruslyn. However, mourning was NOT Evie's style. She had said clearly that her farewell was to be a celebration, a party, an event she would enjoy if she were there.
So we decked out the gymnasium of Phil-Mont Christian Academy where the Liegels teach and from which Evie had graduated. A tropical colored canopy, refreshments and music, Hawaian shirts and dresses, and pictures everywhere, highlighting the joys and diversity of a life well-lived. Hundreds of people from every phase of her life attended, and while tears were shed, there was also a great sharing of laughter and memories. Just what Evie would have wanted.
More pictures will be added to this page soon... Evie would want us to see her decked out in her finest as well as dressed to do the work. In the meantime, know that Theatre & Kids was made, to a great extent, on the laughter, smiles, discipline and creativity of our Evie Cook.